1. corpora::BNCInChargeOf
    Collocations of the phrase "in charge of" (BNC)
  2. corpora::BNCbiber
    Biber's (1988) register features for the British National Corpus
    matrix|4048 x 65
  3. corpora::BNCcomparison
    Comparison of written and spoken noun frequencies in the British National Corpus
  4. corpora::BNCdomains
    Distribution of domains in the British National Corpus (BNC)
  5. corpora::BNCmeta
    Metadata for the British National Corpus (XML edition)
  6. corpora::BNCqueries
    Per-text frequency counts for a selection of BNCweb corpus queries
  7. corpora::BrownBigrams
    Bigrams of adjacent words from the Brown corpus
  8. corpora::BrownLOBPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown and LOB corpora
  9. corpora::BrownPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown corpus
  10. corpora::BrownStats
    Basic statistics of texts in the Brown corpus
  11. corpora::DistFeatBrownFam
    Latent dimension scores from a distributional analysis of the Brown Family corpora
  12. corpora::KrennPPV
    German PP-Verb collocation candidates annotated by Brigitte Krenn (2000)
  13. corpora::LOBPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the LOB corpus
  14. corpora::LOBStats
    Basic statistics of texts in the LOB corpus
  15. corpora::PassiveBrownFam
    By-text frequencies of passive verb phrases in the Brown Family corpora.
  16. corpora::VSS
    A small corpus of very short stories with linguistic annotations
  17. wordspace::DSM_GoodsMatrix
    A Scored Co-occurrence Matrix of Nouns Denoting Goods (wordspace)
    matrix|240 x 4
  18. wordspace::DSM_HieroglyphsMatrix
    A Small Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  19. wordspace::DSM_SingularValues
    Typical Singular Values of a Term-Context Matrix (wordspace)
  20. wordspace::DSM_TermContext
    Example of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  21. wordspace::DSM_TermContextMatrix
    Example of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  22. wordspace::DSM_TermTerm
    Example of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  23. wordspace::DSM_TermTermMatrix
    Example of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  24. wordspace::DSM_Vectors
    Pre-Compiled DSM Vectors for Selected Words (wordspace)
    matrix|1677 x 50
  25. wordspace::DSM_VerbNounTriples_BNC
    Verb-Noun Co-occurrence Frequencies from British National Corpus (wordspace)
  26. wordspace::ESSLLI08_Nouns
    Noun Clustering Task from ESSLLI 2008 (wordspace)
  27. wordspace::RG65
    Similarity Ratings for 65 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
  28. wordspace::SemCorWSD
    SemCor Word Sense Disambiguation Task (wordspace)
  29. wordspace::WordSim353
    Similarity Ratings for 351 Noun Pairs (wordspace)