- corpora::BNCInChargeOfCollocations of the phrase "in charge of" (BNC)
- corpora::BNCbiberBiber's (1988) register features for the British National Corpus
- corpora::BNCcomparisonComparison of written and spoken noun frequencies in the British National Corpus
- corpora::BNCdomainsDistribution of domains in the British National Corpus (BNC)
- corpora::BNCmetaMetadata for the British National Corpus (XML edition)
- corpora::BNCqueriesPer-text frequency counts for a selection of BNCweb corpus queries
- corpora::BrownBigramsBigrams of adjacent words from the Brown corpus
- corpora::BrownLOBPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown and LOB corpora
- corpora::BrownPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown corpus
- corpora::BrownStatsBasic statistics of texts in the Brown corpus
- corpora::DistFeatBrownFamLatent dimension scores from a distributional analysis of the Brown Family corpora
- corpora::KrennPPVGerman PP-Verb collocation candidates annotated by Brigitte Krenn (2000)
- corpora::LOBPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the LOB corpus
- corpora::LOBStatsBasic statistics of texts in the LOB corpus
- corpora::PassiveBrownFamBy-text frequencies of passive verb phrases in the Brown Family corpora.
- corpora::VSSA small corpus of very short stories with linguistic annotations
- wordspace::DSM_GoodsMatrixA Scored Co-occurrence Matrix of Nouns Denoting Goods (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_HieroglyphsMatrixA Small Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_SingularValuesTypical Singular Values of a Term-Context Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermContextExample of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermContextMatrixExample of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermTermExample of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermTermMatrixExample of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_VectorsPre-Compiled DSM Vectors for Selected Words (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_VerbNounTriples_BNCVerb-Noun Co-occurrence Frequencies from British National Corpus (wordspace)
- wordspace::ESSLLI08_NounsNoun Clustering Task from ESSLLI 2008 (wordspace)
- wordspace::RG65Similarity Ratings for 65 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
- wordspace::SemCorWSDSemCor Word Sense Disambiguation Task (wordspace)
- wordspace::WordSim353Similarity Ratings for 351 Noun Pairs (wordspace)